lördag 20 november 2010

ICC- giving lvl 80 a chance for the first time really...

Alma is asleep, her siblings are at their fathers and my boyfriend is visiting his parents up north..
The house is tidy, hardly any boxes to unpack and laundry is done already...
What to do...what to do...

The answer is:


Kerri asked if i wanted to come on Lauraline...low gear score and all...
First time O.o

We went out at 9'ish and I think i went to bed closer to 5 this
An entire days work..in WoW
It was amazing... *giggle*
Complicated bosses and insain loot

One more boss and then the Lich King....
to be done tonight at 9....
aiming at getting in bed sooner than 5...
but who knows *lol*

I'm so looking forward to it...

and meanwhile
I will find gems and enchants for my
new gear.

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