måndag 23 september 2013

Homework....youre doing it right....

A teacher with kids...never really leave work....
coming home finding my son in tears from both math homework and english words.....
first round of testing he had 3 words correct out of 13.
Angry and sad 
"I hate english, I suck at it"
"No you dont, you wouldnt be able to play WoW if you did!!"
English words being verbs.....one of them "sailing" 
improvising mom starts singing 
"I am sailing" 
very off tune...
and word by word I build a song thats filled with the oncoming verbs, mixed with silly wordplay and the occational profanity, until he laguhed so much he almost fell of the chair.
Song ending...so did that testround...
13 out of 13

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