lördag 31 augusti 2013

Conversations with kids going from wow to ww2 O.o

conversations they didnt prepair you for in parenting class
I all starts with a car ahead of us trasporting a motorcykle to the shop 

-Mom....look the sign (pointing) it almost says "assist".      
-Did you say Nazi?     
(assist in swedish)
(nassist in swedish)
-No....he said assist...as in helping in a game...do you mean like in wow?
-Yeah like if you help a friend in a battleground...
(Alma)(sticking to the subject)
-Hitler was a nazi....wasn't he....
-Eeeh. yeah...he kinda started the whole thing....didnt he? He was really not mentally healthy.
He killed people with showers?? O.o They told us in school....
Thats not very clever though is it? There must be better ways to killing people...
Well in a sense it was "clever"....the people had been locked up for days on a train in horrible suffering, offering a shower would have been accepted with relieve and not panic, I think, so I guess it was a clever idea in that way, but clever in a very disturbed way that's hard to understand, he was very, very disturbed and it's about a cruelty that one can't grasp ever...like war always is..... but of ways of killing people used in war, this was a not so messy one I guess....
(mom says thinking the subject is done discussing)
Oh youre right....only in-ternal-organs....no out-ternal-organs 
O.o (eeeeh, did she just say that)
-He would have loved Edvin with his blue eyes and blond hair.....
O.o (eeeeh?)(this is going a bit off)
-I think he would have killed me...I have dark hair...(she ponders running her fingers trough her hair)
-But you do have blue eyes....
-Yeah...eeeh....he didnt like go around kill all people with the wrong haircolor, he had distorted ideas as to some pople being better than others though....but concider his own haircolor.....
(Edvin) (sarcastically)
-Well he did shoot himself...didnt he...

the consequence of listening too well in school
having a mind that moves easily
and being brought up with a scarcastic sense of humor? 

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