lördag 13 november 2010

The apartment

I have had some questions as to how the moving is coming along
and what the new apartment looks like.
Gonna update this entry with one image for every headline beneath as I go along and get rooms done.
KIDS room added

The building
A winter view (as seen from my kitchen window)
The entrance

Hallway and stairs down to kids room
Hallway and door to kitchen
Hallway other direction
(livingroom left, bathroom straight ahead and bedroom and kitchen to the right in this image)

Dining area of kitchen

Computer corner
Craft section of livingroom
Kids computer corner
(coming soon)

Kids room

Kids play area
Kids bathroom
(coming soon)

Kids cosy reading/music corner and closet
(coming soon)

2 kommentarer:

Ossa sa...

Va fint ni har. Kan inte du komma hit och fixa till vår bostad också. Inger och jag är inga bra förebilder börjar jag inse. Vi får bättra oss. Lycka till med allt du företar dig.


Fadren och hans Inger

Anonym sa...

O vad fint ni har fått det./Christina